Saturday, March 8, 2014


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How in the world could Twitter be beneficial for me as an educator? That is a question many might ask  when told that Twitter is a good tool to use for professional development, and that is the exact question I asked myself when I signed up for the account as part of my educational technologies course.  Up until now I was completely against Twitter; that could be because I only knew it as a means for common everyday people to implicitly stalk their favorite celebrities, and well, as a means for celebrities to get instant attention.  But this view changed when I began to explore the varied uses of Twitter and I attended my first Twitterchat, #edtechchat.  This chat was very informative for me as an educator as it consisted of teachers, students, and other educators posting informative sites and tips on using technology in education as well as information on how to improve the general educational system of today. There was some conversational dialogue happening during this chat as others would comment on and reply to others' tweets, but the majority of the chat was people posting about different educational topics and linking useful sites to their tweets, which I found to be very useful.  I visited one site in particular, and read an awesome article on using the virtual learning tool augmented reality in the classroom.  Overall, I felt my first Twitterchat for educational purposes provided me with a wealth of information that will help with my future teaching. This experience also showed me that Twitter is indeed a good tool to use for professional development as it helps me to connect with other educators and share ideas and resources.

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